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Configuring sqlfmt


You probably don't need to configure sqlfmt at all! sqlfmt supports nearly all SQL dialects without configuration, and doesn't require a jinja templater.

Configuring Style

sqlfmt's style is not configurable, except for the line length (the default is 88). To set the line length, use the -l or --line-length option. For example, to run sqlfmt with a line length of 99:

sqlfmt -l 99 .

Configuring Operations

sqlfmt's operation, however, is highly configurable using options at the command line. For a full list of options, see below, or type:

sqlfmt --help

Using Environment Variables

Any CLI option can be configured using environment variables. Variable names are prefixed by SQLFMT and are the SHOUTING_CASE spelling of the options. For example, sqlfmt . --line-length 100 is equivalent to SQLFMT_LINE_LENGTH=100 sqlfmt . Boolean flags can be set to any truthy value.

Using a pyproject.toml File

Any command-line option for sqlfmt can also be set in a pyproject.toml file, under a [tool.sqlfmt] section header. Options passed at the command line will override the settings in the config file.

sqlfmt will search for the pyproject.toml file using the files passed to it as arguments. It starts in the lowest (most specific) common parent directory to all the files and recurses up to the root directory. It will load settings from the first pyproject.toml file it finds in this search.

Example of a pyproject.toml file to run sqlfmt in check mode with a line length of 99:

line_length = 99
check = true

String literals in TOML files must be quoted!

Configuration Precedence

If conflicting config is given to sqlfmt, config will be resolved in the following order:

  1. An explicit option passed at invocation (e.g., --line-length 99)
  2. A set environment variable (e.g., LINE_LENGTH=90)
  3. A value from the pyproject.toml file (e.g., line_length=85)
  4. The default behavior (e.g., 88 characters)

No-color and Force-color

sqlfmt output is colorized by default, by adding ANSI color codes to the terminal output.

sqlfmt supports the standard from, and will not colorize output if the NO_COLOR environment variable is set. We achieve this by implementing a "no-color" option, which can also be set via the sqlfmt-specific environment variable, SQLFMT_NO_COLOR, the CLI option --no-color, or by setting no_color=true in the pyproject.toml file.

If you have NO_COLOR set (for other programs) and want sqlfmt to colorize output, you can use the force-color option, via --force-color, SQLFMT_FORCE_COLOR, or force_color=true in your pyproject.toml file.

If the force-color option is set, sqlfmt will colorize output, no matter how no-color and force-color are set. For example, if force_color=true is set in the config file, but sqlfmt is run with the --no-color option, it will colorize output.

Configuration Reference

CLI OptionEnvironment VariableConfig FileDescription
--helpShow the help message and exit
--versionShow the version and exit.
--checkSQLFMT_CHECK=1check=trueFail with an exit code of 1 if source files are not formatted to spec. Do not write formatted queries to files.
--diffSQLFMT_DIFF=1diff=truePrint a diff of any formatting changes to stdout. Fails like --check on any changes. Do not write formatted queries to files.
-l 99, --line-length 99SQLFMT_LINE_LENGTH=99line_length=99The maximum line length allowed in output files. Default is 88.
--exclude ./my_dir/**/*.sqlSQLFMT_EXCLUDE="./my_dir/**/*.sql"exclude=["./my_dir/**/*.sql"]A string that is passed to glob.glob as a pathname; any matching files returned by glob will be excluded from FILES and not formatted. Note that glob is relative to the current working directory when sqlfmt is called. To exclude multiple globs, repeat the --exclude option. The TOML file takes a list of strings.
-d clickhouse, --dialect clickhouseSQLFMT_DIALECT=clickhousedialect="clickhouse"The SQL dialect for the target files. Nearly all dialects are supported by the default polyglot dialect. Select the ClickHouse dialect to respect case sensitivity in function, field, and alias names.
--no-jinjafmtSQLFMT_NO_JINJAFMT=1no_jinjafmt=trueDo not format jinja tags (the code between the curlies). Only necessary to specify this flag if sqlfmt was installed with the jinjafmt extra, or if black was already available in this environment.
-k, --reset-cacheSQLFMT_RESET_CACHE=1reset_cache=trueClear the sqlfmt cache before running, effectively forcing sqlfmt to operate on every file. Will slow down runs.
-v, --verboseSQLFMT_VERBOSE=1verbose=truePrints more information to stderr.
-q, --quietSQLFMT_QUIET=1quiet=truePrints much less information to stderr.
--no-colorNO_COLOR=1, SQLFMT_NO_COLOR=1no_color=trueRemoves color codes from all output, including diffs. See for more details.
--force-colorSQLFMT_FORCE_COLOR=1force_color=truesqlfmt output is colorized by default. However, if you have the NO_COLOR env var set, and still want sqlfmt to colorize output, you can use --force-color to override the no-color option.
--no-progressbarSQLFMT_NO_PROGRESSBAR=1no_progressbar=trueNever prints a progressbar to stderr.
--single-processSQLFMT_SINGLE_PROCESS=1single_process=trueRun sqlfmt in a single process, even when formatting multiple files. If not set, defaults to multiprocessing using as many cores as possible. Also disables the progress bar. Will slow down runs.